We are eternal servants of God. Our great Aacharyas said, “ Service itself is salvation”. So offering devotion-full services is our genetic practice. We adopted “ Way Of Servitude”(Sevariti) in accordance with Vedas, the ultimate scriptures.

As a part of our sevariti, Annkut-Thal is bestowed to The Supreme Godhead. He is the one who feeds us. With the earnest sentiments of heart, we yearn to feed him as lovingly as possible. A mammoth thal of 108 delicious and mouthwatering foodstuffs is taken by Kavad. All the food-items are prepared with sheer hygiene and robustness.The Kawads are lifted by sacred saints and pious Brahmins. Kawad-Yatra in the accompaniment of musical instruments is worth-seeing. At the temple, the Thal is served to The Lord and offered with vaidic rituals. Pilgrims can have the prasad of Annkut at the temple itself. Rest of the Annkut is distributed amongst poor tribe children as charity.